Want small government? Grow LARGE People!

We see lots of news articles, debates and conversations about having small government. We also see more and more cries for more government interventions, taking care of the poor and downtrodden, “redistributing” wealth and income, making sure the planet doesn’t fry us and so forth. Now, let’s be clear. Small government, meaning government that does what government is supposed to do, such as ensuring external security and maintaining domestic order so that people can flourish, has been eveyone’s desire since there have been people on earth. However, the record shows that there have been few such governments anywhere in the world. America has been called an “experiment” time and again. I have heard one or two world leaders keep saying, for example, that “There aren’t that many Lee Kuan Yews” and that Ronald Reagans and Margaret Thatchers come few and far between.

Stop whining about small government. Start growing LARGE people. Like now. Yesterday.

Loving People. Forget the lie that “Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all…” We all already know very well how to love ourselves, thank you very much, and maybe we also know about the “Love Of One’s Own”. One of the best ways of doing that is to encourage a multi-generational view of the world and of one’s own family. Grandparents need to look for more new ground to make fruitful for the grandchildren, and not whine about whether they can find good old-age homes for themselves or whether the children come to visit and care for them.

Availibility. Deliberately choosing to allocate time and resources to help grow other Large People wherever the opportunity presents itself.

Resourcefulness. Manifesting a lifetime of experience in finding practical uses for that which others might discard,and eschewing a life of wastefulness ourselves. That’s everybody. Up to this point, regardless of how old or young you think you are, haven’t you already had a lifetime of experience, big or small?

Gratefulness has always been in short supply. Get up every morning deliberately sharing with others what you have to be grateful for. People already do this in “networking” circles. Do it as a matter of course.

Enthusiasm brings with it joyful breaths of fresh air wherever you may be. Stop buying into the blase or that things are so “yesterday”. BE the enthusiasm you want to see in those around you. When you get to your workplace, do your colleagues get energized simply because you are there?

Small government? Forget it! BE a LARGE person! You’re welcome!

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