No Manners, please, we’re Pretentious.

The definition of a deepfake can actually be found in the Bible. I quote it below.

(Pro 11:22)  As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.

The key word here is “Discretion.” The CharacterFirst! operational definition is quoted below.

A deepfake is trying to be discreet about the fact that it is quite discrete from obvious, easily discerned truth. If one lacks discretion, then one is simple-minded and can be easily deceived by a deepfake. Now, I am not referring here to technological deepfakes such as fake photographs, videos, audio recordings and the like. We have long been able to do that with our printing and cinematographical prowess. These have simply been extended to the online world. Plunging oneself into an online fantasy world, which could very well offer physical sensations is indulging knowingly in deepfakes. So is getting killed by Fentanyl or indulging in hashish, as the old Assassins, Hash-a-shins, did, or smoking opium.

Being obsessed with impeccable manners without regard for how one’s mannerisms are perceived is being pretentious. A smile can be warm and encouraging and a smile can be that worn by a tiger waiting to make mincemeat of you. I keep chuckling at how the young Major, whom I had earlier mistaken for a young Paratrooper batman to the Commanding Officer, fulfilled the CO’s instruction to “Tell them to go to Hell”, “them” meaning the opposing German forces, of course. A short clip is embedded here.


The Paras certainly displayed good manners there, did they not? The Major was actually following the CO’s instructions to “Tell them to go to Hell.” They had probably not brought their “Hell-in-a-box” facility with them and so did not have “The proper facilities” to be able to take prisoners, said with tongue firmly in cheek, of course.

So there you have it. Recognize that no matter how well-mannered you are, your real message will always come through. If you need to obsess with precision at the expense of accuracy, your intentions come through no matter what you do. Stop being pretentious. Let your impeccable manners be an expression of benevolence and truth always. I need to work on that too, you know. Come join me. You’re welcome!

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