Integrating Immigrants. Recurring Refugees.

Dr Condoleezza Rice, the current Tad and Dianne Taube Director of the Hoover Institution, says quite frequently that “It doesn’t matter where you came from, it matters where you’re going”.

Immigration is one of the expressions of a truly free market economy. Refugees are a pernicious political problem. This is true at all levels, nationally and down to corporations, companies and communities. Perhaps even down to families. If one is free to travel and settle where one feels like, then there would probably be a lot more “churn” than what the world has been experiencing since the longest time, meaning after the dispersal from the Tower of Babel. It was at the Tower of Babel that God confounded the language of the people then existing on the Earth, scattering them all over the globe as a result. Probably since then, people have tended to flocculate with people like themselves and to manifest what Dr George Friedman of Geopolitical Futures often calls “The Love of One’s Own”. This is why the search for the “Original Language” still goes on and will probably continue to go on fruitlessly. We like others who are like us and who, hopefully, do actually like and perhaps even love us. That’s natural. What is NOT natural is to freely give others the permission, even the ability, to move away from us and prosper in another place, especially if we ourselves do not have the stomach for doing the same thing. No, it is natural for us to whine and demand that others STAY with us and share the same level of misery. However, the more we mature as people, the more we will welcome and INTEGRATE immigrants. That presupposes that immigrants are people who are willing, indeed, who are looking forward eagerly, to integrating with us. That requires love. That requires maturity. It requires a wealth creation mindset, not an impoverished one.

If we refuse to integrate immigrants, we will get recurring refugees. This, I say again, is something that manifests at all levels, from national to community. Businesses manifest it, too. I remember long ago someone on LinkedIn who used to write a lot about singing this version of that “Frozen” song called “Let Them Go” when staff, or employees, if you are still using that term of enslavement, wish to move to another company or another Department or Division. Yes. Let Them Go. Help them to move out and settle in quickly, or hit the ground running when they are at the new place. You never know. They may come back to you years later, having grown and become a much better asset to you than before. But no. Countless companies talk incessantly about “retaining” their people and how to convince them to stay only after they exhibit signs of moving because they want better. If you convince people that they are refugees, you will have Recurring Refugees. Promoting, teaching and forcing mindsets that people have to “Go Back” to their “Roots” so that they can claim their “Rightful Heritage” is a really Pernicious Political Ploy used over and over again by politicians whose main aim is to remain in power. It is used by politicians in order that they may be called Virtuous Benefactors. If people always seek their “Rightful Heritage” you will always have slaves and refugees. Slaves and refugees cannot be productive. They cannot produce wealth. Only free peoples produce wealth. Slaves, including slave owners, and refugees, including refugees from doing what is true, right and just, merely waste resources which others work hard and joyously to produce.

Look up the works of Thomas Sowell. Any of them will do. I personally do not agree with his worldviews, but most of what he says resonates well with me. They might resonate with you, too. Come talk to me if you would like to have more of an Immigration Culture instead of a Refugee Vice in your own outfits. You’re welcome!

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