High Energy. Always On A High?

During the course of work, I often hear remarks like “I think the energy is low”, or “I think they need an energizer.” While this is true in some cases, it is not always so. You know it yourself. Just because you’re sitting at a table sipping coffee doesn’t always mean you’re relaxing. If you’re speaking to your audience and they’re listening in quiet attention, that doesn’t mean the energy is low. It’s the same thing if you’re leading a meeting or discussion or project. Our overly-extrovertish, affirmation-addicted culture enslaves us into believing that more hype equals more energy.


Stop it. Don’t listen to people who tell you that your audiences or participants need to be constantly revved up. You can be just as revved up when you’re reading or listening to an audio. So, just be yourself! You have a message to deliver. You have views that are valuable. Keep them true, right and just, and you will always have a high-energy audience!

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